October 6, 2021
Inspiring BackTalks event

On September 27 the event BackTalks took place for the first time. The hybrid event, organized by Frank & the Backs, was a success: over 30 interested parties attended the live event in The Hague, almost 50 people worldwide were present online. The event was moderated by Bas van Werven, radio host at BNR Nieuwsradio. Plan is to organize BackTalks every quarter.
As an affiliated brand of WorldStartup, Frank & the Backs supports purpose-driven scale-ups to overcome critical hurdles and successfully execute a sustainable growth strategy in order to become a profitable venture. Frank & the Backs makes use of a network of seasoned professionals and C-level executives who are eager to support scale-ups; the co called ‘Backs’.

Sustainable growth for purpose-driven ventures
Hybrid program
The one hour program was kicked off by Egbert Ottevanger, co-founder and director, by telling the attendees more about the concept of Frank & the Backs. Diederik de Stoppelaar, also co-founder, and Andrej Sobokiewicz, ceo of Paztir and present online, shared their experiences while working as and with a Back. Subsequently Paul Dekker, active as a Back, spoke about the Business Wheel; a new model to get proper insight in the current status of and the future opportunities for a scale-up. After the live streamed session there was room for drinks and networking for the live audience.
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